Lola Taylor

Hi, I'm Lola!

I am a web and graphic designer, content mangager, performing artist, aunt, sister, daughter, and friend.

My Portfolio

BYU Physical Facilities homepage

Brigham Young University Physical Facilities

UX Design and Content Creator Utilizing Brightspot CMS

I currently work full-time as a web administrator, graphic designer, and content manager for BYU Physical Facilities. Once the vice president of my department discovered what I was capable of, they gave me the additional title of web administrator and tasked me with overhauling the old website. I worked with all of the division, department, and area managers, as well as University Communications, to create a brand new site, ensuring all of our content and branding, from logos to new pages and pictures, met the new brand guidelines set by the university. I also worked with the VP to rename the site from to to describe who we are now.

SUMA homepage

Southern Utah University
Southern Utah Museum of Art

Design and Content Manager Utilizing HTML and University's CMS

While studying for my Master of Fine Arts in Arts Administration, I interned as a marketing and public relations associate for the College of Performing and Visual Arts. With my previous web experience, they asked me to help renovate the new Southern Utah Museum of Art website to reflect the newly built museum. I utilized HTML and the university's existing CMS to create pages and content that represent the museum's missions, vision, and values.

Frehner homepage

Southern Utah University
Frehner Museum of Natural History

UX Design and Content Manager Utilizing HTML and University's CMS

My first internship assignment for my graduate program was as the assistmant museum director. As I learned about the museum and its education programs, I realized the existing two-page website did not give the public a good idea of what the museum truly was about. So, I recruited our museum assistants to create content for the different exhibits, had a friend take professional photos of the exhibits, and dug through the museum archives to create a more comprehensive view of what the museum was all about.

Rogue Pickings website

Rogue Pickings Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

With my experience creating content and working in various CMS programs, I wanted to learn how to create websites without using predetermined processes. This is one of my test builds utilizing my newly learned HTML and CSS skills.

Jubilee website

Jubilee Austen Project

HTML5 & CSS Website

This is another practice exercise I completed while honing my HTML and CSS knowledge.

About Me

Lola Taylor

I am passionate about helping people and creating amazing designs. I have a thirst for knowledge and am often found with a book in my hand.

I started learning how to build web pages as a student at Brigham Young University. I was hired for my English background to be a content creator and learned basic HTML to fix the code when the pages didn't look right. Since that first encounter, every job I've held since then has utilized those skills, allowing me to work on a variety of web sites over the years to help improve design and content.

After the realization that I had the skills and passion for web design, I decided to obtain more formal training and learn how to build pages outside of a content management system. I continue to learn new languages and techniques and am always ready for new challenges and problems to solve. I love UX Design and helping people find and tell their story to their audience.

I can't wait to work with you and help you find your perfect solution!

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    Pleasant Grove, UT

    Let's meetup sometime!